Goodbye, lines.
Hello, delivery.

rxssplus simple icon


With just a few clicks, prescriptions come to you. One less line in your life!

rxssplus delivery icon


Ground shipping (typically 2-3 days) directly to your home, not through USPS.

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No need to enter insurance or prescription info, and payment data is never stored.

ordering rx by mobile phone
rxssplus simple icon


With just a few clicks, prescriptions come to you. One less line in your life!

rxssplus delivery icon


Ground shipping (typically 2-3 days) directly to your home, not through USPS.

rxssplus security icon


No need to enter insurance or prescription info, and payment data is never stored.

rx package being delivered

Why choose RxSS Plus

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Avoid lines and travel time with direct shipping

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Compare RxSS Plus to insurance pricing and choose the best option

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Never forget when it’s time to refill

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Let RxSS Plus take care of it – doctor approvals, pharmacy transfers, and everything else

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Talk directly with pharmacy technicians and pharmacists anytime you need help